Thursday, April 29, 2010

St Mary’s Star of the Sea Cathedral
90 Smith Street Darwin.
5th Sunday of Easter
2 MAY 2010 Year C
1st Reading: Apostles 14:21-27
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 144:8-13
I will praise your name forever,
My king and my God..
2nd Reading: Apocalypse 21:1-5
Gospel Acclamation: John 13:34
Alleluia, alleluia!
I give you a new commandment:
Love one another as I have loved you.
Gospel: John 13:31-35
The Cathedral Parish Pastoral Council meeting has been deferred for one week.
The Council will now meet on Tuesday 11 May, 7.00pm Bishop’s House
Information for the Diocesan Strategic Plan is being gathered now. Members of the Parish Council are actively
pursuing this information, but please do not wait to be approached. Please complete your questionnaire, alone or with
friends, drop it into box provided, or return it to the Cathedral Office as soon as possible. A substantial number were
emailed to parishioner’s last week and some are now being returned. If you would like to receive yours by email
contact the Parish Office.
Pastoral Letter for the Feast of St Joseph the Worker—1 May 2010
Australia at the Crossroads: A time to set new rules.
“Key moments in history—times of celebration, tragedy or loss—can stand out in the memory...The global
financial crisis (GFC) was one such moment.
The GFC...came to a head one week in September 2008, when giant investment banks filed for bankruptcy,
were being taken over or bailed out by the public purse.
That very week, the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference were launching their 2008 Social Justice Sunday
Statement, addressing the issue of affluence and poverty in Australia...The Statement noted how a slowing
economy was causing concern that ‘all is not right with our society’. ..The Bishops commented ‘The
poorest members of our nation have known and experienced this for many years, but their voice is rarely
Every day, staff in agencies like CatholicCare and Vinnies provide support to families struck by unemployment
and the grind of poorly paid, insecure and intermittent work. They experience, first hand, the poverty
caused by a market that has not provided worthwhile employment opportunities or training, that would allow
people to get into the workplace and bargain for pay above safety net wages. ..
The decline in the value of safety net wages means that these workers have effectively been denied the rewards
other workers have received...It should be noted that many are engaged in the vital work of servicebased
industries, such as health care and social assistance…
Australians should be concerned about a notion of ‘national economic interests’ that fails to adequately
consider human dignity, social wellbeing and equity. At a time when the world is dealing with the economic
crisis, Pope Benedict reminds governments especially that ‘the primary capital to be safeguarded and valued
is man, the human person in his or her integrity’. He reasserts that the person is ‘the source, the focus and the
aim of all economic and social life’.”
Extract from Pastoral Letter by Most Rev Christopher Saunders DD
Full text available at
Copies of the letter are available on centre table in the Cathedral.
Activ8 – Activ8 is a youth night organised by young people for those aged 15+ to have fun, explore life, and connect with God and
each other to deepen their Catholic faith! They are held on the last Thursday of every month at St Paul’s Parish Community Centre,
Francis Street, Rapid Creek (directly opposite St Paul’s Church and School.
Hour of Power – first Thursday of every month The Hour of Power is an hour of prayer for young people around Jesus in the
Blessed Sacrament. Confession will be available throughout the hour. It happens on the first Thursday of every month. The next
one is Thursday 6 May, 5.30pm – 6.30pm in St Mary’s Cathedral. Everyone welcome.
WYD Sydney pilgrims gather in Wadeye Our Youth Office team (Benita De Vincentiis and Fr Dan Benedetti) were in Wadeye
this week and joined a gathering of young people from Wadeye and Nganmarriyanga who went to the World Youth Day in Sydney.
It was a lovely evening to remember the experience, what was gained through it and to be re-energized in our faith.
Interested in becoming Catholic? Young adults interested in becoming Catholic are invited to join groups who are beginning to
prepare for Baptism at Pentecost. It involves a weekly gathering and time of formation and discussion. Join with other young
adults who want to learn more about the Catholic faith.
Save the date – 14-19 July In July this year, young people from across the Top End will be invited to a Young Adult Dry Season
Camp. An exciting program is being developed to bring talks, formation, music, drama and a powerful faith and community experience.
You do not want to miss it! So put July 14-19 in your diaries now. Full details will be announced in May.
World Youth Day Madrid 2011
In August 2011, Madrid will host the next international World Youth Day. Pope Benedict XVI has invited the youth of the world to
join with him in Madrid. The Darwin Diocese is organizing a pilgrimage for young people aged 18-35 as at 1 August 2011. Everyone
in this age group is very welcome to join the group. There is a lot being planned including Spanish lessons! More details will
be released soon. In the meantime, start saving.
To enquire about any of these events, contact the Youth Office on or 8981 2863.
Sick: Tom Lowell, Mary Ryan (Tipperary), Vin Kirchner, Len Selwood, Frank Mitchell, Carole Ver, Cora Dempsey,
Marion Oldham, Eamon Atkinson, Carole Ver, John Joseph Dabrowski, Mike Doyle, Irene McCracken,
Martin Foscaro, Rose Fearn, Iria Senanes, Stephen Johns. Joan Romano, Monty O’Mahoney, Ilda Soares,
Tony Bentes, Him Chum, Kathy Walker, Doris Ford, Therese Hooker, Wilma Bryant, Noel Lu, Judith
Handberg, Maximo Pareja.
Recently Deceased: Stanley Stanislaus, Bernard Francis (Bernie) Kilgariff OAM AM
Anniversaries: Rene Ramos Hernandes, Rosalina Balagatas, Pacita Igmat, Ariel Igmat, Navidad De La Pena,
Antonio De Oliveira, Bernard (Barney) Bannon, Antonino Barresi, Ruperto Bacala, Robert (Bob) Brander,
Matthew Smith, Rachel Lemke.
Baptisms in the Cathedral
We welcome these children to the Family of the Lord
1 May Ella Rose Hartog, daughter of Scott Hartog and Jacki Norris
2 May Mattia Kaian Cameron Paselli, son of Daniel Cameron and Lina Paselli
8 May Luke Michael Gates, son of Michael and Annette Gates
15 May Jameson Christopher Reid-McLeod, son of Christopher McLeod and Charlee Ann Reid.
16 May Jacob Peter Sams, son of Thomas Sams and Louisa Burnett
16 May Georgia Reeves, daughter of Luke and Melissa Reeves
8May Angela Kay Smith and Timothy John Dewar, (to be celebrated in Modbury, SA)
29 May Leanne McCormack and David Macciocca
29 May Jenny Fontana and Marshall Rogers.
• 3 May—Public Holiday—Mass at 9.00am
• 8/9 May—Special Collection—Mass Media
• 23 May Confirmation on Pentecost Sunday and community celebration
• 26 May to 6 June 2010: Visit to Diocese of Apostolic Nuncio His Excellency
Most Reverend Giuseppe Lazzarotto. [Further details to come.]
• 29 May, Saturday Feast of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart
• 6 June First Communion , 9.30am Mass and community celebration
• 13-14 July Diocese of Darwin Leadership Conference:
Celebrating the Sacred; [Presenters include Archbishop
Mark Coleridge] Invitation to Parish Pastoral Councillors .
• 14-19 July Young Adult Dry Season . Camp
[Diocesan Youth Office]
• 17 October 2010 Diocesan Mary MacKillop Pilgrimage
Canonization Rome
• October 2010—Jan Pile and Marjorie Liddy
Pilgrimage, to Penola South Australia.
• August 2011 World Youth Day, Madrid, Spain.
A tradition revived after 17 years
SATURDAY 8 MAY 2010 10am-2pm
Stalls include:
Come along and support your school.
Everybody welcome!
Project Compassion 2010
We Hope to finalise the Parish contribution to
Project Compassion next week.
Any last minute donations or uncounted money
boxes can be dropped off at the Parish Office.
Your generous contribution to Project Compassion will
help Caritas bring hope to people for whom a small
donation can mean a big difference.
See for more of the Project
Compassion story.
During the past week the 2nd Confirmation meeting was held. The Sacrament of Confirmation will take place
on Pentecost Sunday 23 May, at 9.30am Mass.
On the weekend of 15 and 16 May parents have been invited to present their child to the Cathedral
community at one of the Masses. Red prayer sheets at the back of the church, made by the young candidates,
invite you to pray for those preparing for this Sacrament.
Further meetings for candidates for First Eucharist will be on 12 May, and 2 June. The children will receive the
Sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time on Sunday 6 June, the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ.
All Meetings detailed above will commence at 7.00pm at St Mary’s Primary School.
St Vincent de Paul Society
Get a bargain at a Vinnies Shop, or
donate clothes or household items that are too
good to throw away.
Stuart Park– Westralia Street, Stuart Park
Palmerston– 3 Rolyat Street, Palmerston.
ASSIST A STUDENT programme commences
12 May. Watch for the information packs in
the Cathedral.
Men's Luncheon:
May 4th, 12.30 at Sunset Restaurant,
Casino. Seniors card, $12.
Contact number:
Gerry 8927 0980. Locals and
Tourists welcome.
Charismatic Mass on Friday 7th
May at 7.30pm at St Martin's, Wanguri,
Catholic Devotional
Items for Sale
Parishioner Maryanne
Sharp is selling devotional
items after Sunday
Masses on the McLachlan
Street lawn.
This might be helpful to
families with children
preparing to receive a
St John’s College
All Year 6 students are invited to attend.
For further information please contact
Mrs Ged O’Neill on 8982 2227
An information evening for parents of Year 7 students for 2011 is
being held on
Monday May 24, 2010 at 6.30pm
in the Auditorium on the Hartzer Campus of St John’s College.
Light refreshments will be provided.
WELCOME TO the nine Bishops’ Secretaries,
from Diocese in Queensland, Northern Territory and Western
spending a short time together in Darwin, and celebrating
Eucharist with us this weekend. They will also attend a retreat
on Monday 3 May.
Family Portrait Fundraising Day—
Advancedlife Photography will be at school
on Saturday 15 May 2010. Receive a 10 x 13”
Framed Family Portrait, plus a Family Portrait
Keyring for Just $15.00.
Any enquires please contact Di Miller 8941 832 or
0422 051 858 to book your sitting time.
Pre-booking and pre-payment required.
Catholic Social Justice website
in addition to the Pastoral Letter
mentioned on the front page of this
Newsletter, the site has articles on
the refugee situation, women in the
Church, and how you can contribute
to Catholic Social Justice.
PO Box 229, Darwin NT 0801
Ph:8981 2863 Fax: 8981 2916
Mon, Tues, Wed. 8.45am – 1.30pm
Thurs, Fri. 8.45am – 4pm
Fr John Kelliher, MSC, M. Theol
Fr James D’Souza –
Fr Joseph Dallu
Saturday -11.30am, 6.30pm Vigil
Sunday – 8.00am, 9.30am, 7.00pm
Monday – Friday 6.30am and 12.10pm
Public Holidays – 9.00am
Reconciliation –
Saturday 10.45am – 11.20am 5.30pm to 6.15pm
Sacrament of Anointing
Last Saturday of each Month at 11.30am Mass
By Appointment. Phone 8981 2863
Parish School – St Mary’s Primary School
Principal – Mrs Jacqui Langdon, ph 8981 9796
Cathedral Parish Council Members
Elected Members: Kerin Coulehan, Elio Gagliardo,
John Gleeson (Chairperson), Aloysius Kamara,
Mary Kenny, Ruth Mkunu,
Ray Morrison (Deputy Chair),
Kathryn O’Mahoney, (Secretary), Janice Simpkins,
Henry White,
Ex officio members: Bishop Eugene Hurley DD
Deacon Tony Cunningham,
Fr James D’souza, Fr John Kelliher msc,
Diocese Office - 2 St John Court, The Gardens
Ph 08 8942 6000 fax 08 89842 6060
Diocesan web-site
Cathedral renewal website
Most Rev Eugene Hurley DD
Bishop of Darwin
Vicar General – Fr Jim Knight SVD
(P/P Alice Springs)
Chancellor for Pastoral Life
Fr Malcolm Fyfe MSC
Chancellor for Governance
Sr Elizabeth Little OLSH
Diocesan Youth Co-ordinator-
Miss Benita de Vincentiis
Ph 08 8981 2863 fax 08 8981 2916
Hospital Emergency – ph 8922 8888 – ask for
Catholic Chaplain (Deacon Tony Cunningham)
Hospital Mass—Tuesday, RDH chapel 1.15pm,
and 2nd and 4th Sunday—9.30am RDH Chapel
CatholicCare NT – ph 08 8944 2000,
St Vincent de Paul Society
Dick Ward Drive – ph 08 8948 8100
Collections from Masses
11 April 2010
1st Collection (support of the Clergy) $1,032.50
2nd Collection (the work of the Parish) $1,124.20
Thank you for your generosity!
Collection Counters
3 May - Margaret and Chris Babington
10 May Kathy Baylis, John and Janet Sawyer
8 May Mike and Veronica Higgins
5th Sunday of EASTER 2 May 2010
Ministers of the Word
Norma Grant Cathie Wilson Sylvia Matchado
Dianne Wallach Michael Gubbins Mary Kenny
Tony Morgan Gabrielle Martin Patricia Panaligan
Janet Buhagiar Janet Buhagiar Vilma Stinton
Ministers of the Eucharistic
Colin Jamieson Franca Finocchiaro Leonie Jamieson
Ray Morrison
Carol Muller Noel Muller
Ministers in attendance
6th Sunday of EASTER 9 May 2010
Ministers of the Word
Rosemary Scaturchio Mike Higgins Trisha Lontoc
Kate Kenny Ray Morrison Carmel Lawrence
Dominique Lynch Geof Browne Tisha The
Paul Dewar Paul Dewar Susan Lu-Dizon
Ministers of the Eucharistic
Onorina Cucchiaro Dana Dabrfowska Eugene Scaturchio
Mary Kenny Dianne Wallach Elena Moretti
Carmelina Materazzo Tony The
Ministers in attendance

Cathedral Parish Bulletin 2 May 2010

News from the Parish Bulletin:Pastoral Letter for the Feast of St Joseph the Worker—1 May 2010

Australia at the Crossroads: A time to set new rules.

“Key moments in history—times of celebration, tragedy or loss—can stand out in the memory...The global financial crisis (GFC) was one such moment.
The GFC...came to a head one week in September 2008, when giant investment banks filed for bankruptcy, were being taken over or bailed out by the public purse.
That very week, the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference were launching their 2008 Social Justice Sunday Statement, addressing the issue of affluence and poverty in Australia...The Statement noted how a slowing economy was causing concern that ‘all is not right with our society’. ..The Bishops commented ‘The poorest members of our nation have known and experienced this for many years, but their voice is rarely heard’…

Every day, staff in agencies like CatholicCare and Vinnies provide support to families struck by unemployment and the grind of poorly paid, insecure and intermittent work. They experience, first hand, the poverty caused by a market that has not provided worthwhile employment opportunities or training, that would allow people to get into the workplace and bargain for pay above safety net wages. ..
The decline in the value of safety net wages means that these workers have effectively been denied the rewards other workers have received...It should be noted that many are engaged in the vital work of service-based industries, such as health care and social assistance…

Australians should be concerned about a notion of ‘national economic interests’ that fails to adequately consider human dignity, social wellbeing and equity. At a time when the world is dealing with the economic crisis, Pope Benedict reminds governments especially that ‘the primary capital to be safeguarded and valued is man, the human person in his or her integrity’. He reasserts that the person is ‘the source, the focus and the aim of all economic and social life’.”
Extract from Pastoral Letter by Most Rev Christopher Saunders DD
Full text available at
Copies of the letter are available on centre table in the Cathedral.

The Cathedral Parish Pastoral Council meeting has been deferred for one week.
The Council will now meet on Tuesday 11 May, 7.00pm Bishop’s House
Information for the Diocesan Strategic Plan is being gathered now. Members of the Parish Council are actively pursuing this information, but please do not wait to be approached. Please complete your questionnaire, alone or with friends, drop it into box provided, or return it to the Cathedral Office as soon as possible. A substantial number were emailed to parishioner’s last week and some are now being returned. If you would like to receive yours by email contact the Parish Office.

Activ8 – Activ8 is a youth night organised by young people for those aged 15+ to have fun, explore life, and connect with God and each other to deepen their Catholic faith! They are held on the last Thursday of every month at St Paul’s Parish Community Centre, Francis Street, Rapid Creek (directly opposite St Paul’s Church and School.

Hour of Power – first Thursday of every month The Hour of Power is an hour of prayer for young people around Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Confession will be available throughout the hour. It happens on the first Thursday of every month. The next one is Thursday 6 May, 5.30pm – 6.30pm in St Mary’s Cathedral. Everyone welcome.

WYD Sydney pilgrims gather in Wadeye Our Youth Office team (Benita De Vincentiis and Fr Dan Benedetti) were in Wadeye this week and joined a gathering of young people from Wadeye and Nganmarriyanga who went to the World Youth Day in Sydney. It was a lovely evening to remember the experience, what was gained through it and to be re-energized in our faith.

Interested in becoming Catholic? Young adults interested in becoming Catholic are invited to join groups who are beginning to prepare for Baptism at Pentecost. It involves a weekly gathering and time of formation and discussion. Join with other young adults who want to learn more about the Catholic faith.

Save the date – 14-19 July In July this year, young people from across the Top End will be invited to a Young Adult Dry Season Camp. An exciting program is being developed to bring talks, formation, music, drama and a powerful faith and community experience. You do not want to miss it! So put July 14-19 in your diaries now. Full details will be announced in May.

World Youth Day Madrid 2011
In August 2011, Madrid will host the next international World Youth Day. Pope Benedict XVI has invited the youth of the world to join with him in Madrid. The Darwin Diocese is organizing a pilgrimage for young people aged 18-35 as at 1 August 2011. Everyone in this age group is very welcome to join the group. There is a lot being planned including Spanish lessons! More details will be released soon. In the meantime, start saving.
To enquire about any of these events, contact the Youth Office on or 8981 2863.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

People, office hours, Marriage and Baptism

Cathedral Administrator: Fr John Kelliher msc
Assistant Administrator: Fr James D'souza
Priest in Residence: Fr Joseph Dallu

Parish Secretary: Mr Vin Victory

Office is situated at 90 Smith Street, Darwin, adjacent to St Mary's Cathedral.
Office hours: 8.45am to 1.30pm, Monday to Wednesday,
8.45am to 4.00pm Thursday and Friday.

Marriages and Baptisms: By appointment. Ph 8981 2863.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

World Youth Day 2008 (WYD08)

If you are interested in being part of the Cathedral Parish team to co-ordinate the parish's WYD08 activities, just post your name and a way of contacting you as a comment on this site.


The Diocesan Launch of WYD08 will take
Place on Sunday 20 May.
The Cathedral Parish needs to assemble
a team to co-ordinate the Parish based
activities from now until WYD08, July 2008.
Young people, and mature people with an interest in youth, who would like to be involved in this once in a lifetime event, are invited to contact the Parish Office, 8981 2863, or email,or leave a message on the Cathedral’s new site at
For information on WYD08 see
(This from the Church Bulletin of 29 April 2007)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Sacramental Preparation for 2007 - Confirmation

Sacrament of Confirmation: Parental Meeting 19 April @ 7.30pm, followed by six weeks of Sacramental Preparation. Reconciliation for Confirmation candidates will be 17 May.
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be on Pentecost Sunday 27 May at 9.30am Mass.