Thursday, April 29, 2010

Cathedral Parish Bulletin 2 May 2010

News from the Parish Bulletin:Pastoral Letter for the Feast of St Joseph the Worker—1 May 2010

Australia at the Crossroads: A time to set new rules.

“Key moments in history—times of celebration, tragedy or loss—can stand out in the memory...The global financial crisis (GFC) was one such moment.
The GFC...came to a head one week in September 2008, when giant investment banks filed for bankruptcy, were being taken over or bailed out by the public purse.
That very week, the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference were launching their 2008 Social Justice Sunday Statement, addressing the issue of affluence and poverty in Australia...The Statement noted how a slowing economy was causing concern that ‘all is not right with our society’. ..The Bishops commented ‘The poorest members of our nation have known and experienced this for many years, but their voice is rarely heard’…

Every day, staff in agencies like CatholicCare and Vinnies provide support to families struck by unemployment and the grind of poorly paid, insecure and intermittent work. They experience, first hand, the poverty caused by a market that has not provided worthwhile employment opportunities or training, that would allow people to get into the workplace and bargain for pay above safety net wages. ..
The decline in the value of safety net wages means that these workers have effectively been denied the rewards other workers have received...It should be noted that many are engaged in the vital work of service-based industries, such as health care and social assistance…

Australians should be concerned about a notion of ‘national economic interests’ that fails to adequately consider human dignity, social wellbeing and equity. At a time when the world is dealing with the economic crisis, Pope Benedict reminds governments especially that ‘the primary capital to be safeguarded and valued is man, the human person in his or her integrity’. He reasserts that the person is ‘the source, the focus and the aim of all economic and social life’.”
Extract from Pastoral Letter by Most Rev Christopher Saunders DD
Full text available at
Copies of the letter are available on centre table in the Cathedral.

The Cathedral Parish Pastoral Council meeting has been deferred for one week.
The Council will now meet on Tuesday 11 May, 7.00pm Bishop’s House
Information for the Diocesan Strategic Plan is being gathered now. Members of the Parish Council are actively pursuing this information, but please do not wait to be approached. Please complete your questionnaire, alone or with friends, drop it into box provided, or return it to the Cathedral Office as soon as possible. A substantial number were emailed to parishioner’s last week and some are now being returned. If you would like to receive yours by email contact the Parish Office.

Activ8 – Activ8 is a youth night organised by young people for those aged 15+ to have fun, explore life, and connect with God and each other to deepen their Catholic faith! They are held on the last Thursday of every month at St Paul’s Parish Community Centre, Francis Street, Rapid Creek (directly opposite St Paul’s Church and School.

Hour of Power – first Thursday of every month The Hour of Power is an hour of prayer for young people around Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Confession will be available throughout the hour. It happens on the first Thursday of every month. The next one is Thursday 6 May, 5.30pm – 6.30pm in St Mary’s Cathedral. Everyone welcome.

WYD Sydney pilgrims gather in Wadeye Our Youth Office team (Benita De Vincentiis and Fr Dan Benedetti) were in Wadeye this week and joined a gathering of young people from Wadeye and Nganmarriyanga who went to the World Youth Day in Sydney. It was a lovely evening to remember the experience, what was gained through it and to be re-energized in our faith.

Interested in becoming Catholic? Young adults interested in becoming Catholic are invited to join groups who are beginning to prepare for Baptism at Pentecost. It involves a weekly gathering and time of formation and discussion. Join with other young adults who want to learn more about the Catholic faith.

Save the date – 14-19 July In July this year, young people from across the Top End will be invited to a Young Adult Dry Season Camp. An exciting program is being developed to bring talks, formation, music, drama and a powerful faith and community experience. You do not want to miss it! So put July 14-19 in your diaries now. Full details will be announced in May.

World Youth Day Madrid 2011
In August 2011, Madrid will host the next international World Youth Day. Pope Benedict XVI has invited the youth of the world to join with him in Madrid. The Darwin Diocese is organizing a pilgrimage for young people aged 18-35 as at 1 August 2011. Everyone in this age group is very welcome to join the group. There is a lot being planned including Spanish lessons! More details will be released soon. In the meantime, start saving.
To enquire about any of these events, contact the Youth Office on or 8981 2863.

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